August 31, 2022

DALL·E: Introducing Outpainting

DALL·E: Introducing Outpainting

Extend creativity and tell a bigger story with DALL-E images of any size

DALL·E: Introducing Outpainting

Original outpainting by Emma Catnip

Today we’re introducing Outpainting, a new feature which helps users extend their creativity by continuing an image beyond its original borders — adding visual elements in the same style, or taking a story in new directions — simply by using a natural language description.

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DALL·E: Introducing Outpainting

Original: Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer
Outpainting: August Kamp

DALL·E’s Edit feature already enables changes within a generated or uploaded image — a capability known as Inpainting. Now, with Outpainting, users can extend the original image, creating large-scale images in any aspect ratio. Outpainting takes into account the image’s existing visual elements — including shadows, reflections, and textures — to maintain the context of the original image.

More than one million people are using DALL·E, the AI system that generates original images and artwork from a natural language description, as a creative tool today. Artists have already created remarkable images with the new Outpainting feature, and helped us better understand its capabilities in the process.

DALL·E: Introducing Outpainting
Original outpainting by Tyna Eloundou
DALL·E: Introducing Outpainting
Original outpainting by OpenAI
DALL·E: Introducing Outpainting
Outpainting by David Schnurr
DALL·E: Introducing Outpainting
Original outpainting by Sonia Levesque
DALL·E: Introducing Outpainting
Original outpainting by Danielle Baskin
DALL·E: Introducing Outpainting
Original outpainting by Danielle Baskin
DALL·E: Introducing Outpainting
Original outpainting by Chad Nelson

Outpainting is now available to all DALL·E users on desktop. To discover new realms of creativity, visit or join the waitlist.

Featured artists:

DALL·E: Introducing Outpainting

Emma Catnip

View Profile

DALL·E: Introducing Outpainting

August Kamp

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DALL·E: Introducing Outpainting

Sonia Levesque

View Profile

DALL·E: Introducing Outpainting

Danielle Baskin

View Profile

DALL·E: Introducing Outpainting

Chad Nelson

View Profile

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toggle(value) {
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expand() {
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collapse() {

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